Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Tuesday's Meeting:
--------LINDA MEETING - new plans -----------
1. pilot test of current system : feb 05. deadline for feb. 06 workshop 2pm
2. text language analysis - find out / analyse text message language and common words - jokes, - this can be comprised of just the team going through information and data february 9th.
3. associate words with images - see how people assign different words to a collection of images feb 13th
4. have people pick images that correspond to a certain word feb 16th
5. from feb 16 - 23 revise prototype database
6. feb 23rd need rubric for evaluation and surveys!
7. 24th rough draft of short paper
8. 24th demo day at MLE - surveys!!! WITH rubric for evaluation
9. 25 debreif on demo -
10. 25 - 28th revise paper
age groups:
1. teenagers (computer club house - 14 + )
2. adults (our age? college?)
1. tech savvy
2. non-tech
recommendations for system
1. shorten words
2. accomodate slang words
3. look for humor in juxtaposition of image and text
4. literary theory
5. being able to "bomb" the system - or erase it through detonating pictures and words.
6. deflect obscenities through humor or public service announcements
meet with sven, coordinate getting system up and running
meet with cati - help to get system up and running
ALL: locate and ask people to join focus group on 06.02.2004
NEXT MEETING: 05,02.2004 - to discuss pilot discussion for next day
---------- OLD OLD NOTES - not necessarily valid anymore... ---------------
current direction and outline
1st SITUATED TEST - to commence immediately FEB 9th DURATION: 1 week
--------LINDA MEETING - new plans -----------
1. pilot test of current system : feb 05. deadline for feb. 06 workshop 2pm
2. text language analysis - find out / analyse text message language and common words - jokes, - this can be comprised of just the team going through information and data february 9th.
3. associate words with images - see how people assign different words to a collection of images feb 13th
4. have people pick images that correspond to a certain word feb 16th
5. from feb 16 - 23 revise prototype database
6. feb 23rd need rubric for evaluation and surveys!
7. 24th rough draft of short paper
8. 24th demo day at MLE - surveys!!! WITH rubric for evaluation
9. 25 debreif on demo -
10. 25 - 28th revise paper
age groups:
1. teenagers (computer club house - 14 + )
2. adults (our age? college?)
1. tech savvy
2. non-tech
recommendations for system
1. shorten words
2. accomodate slang words
3. look for humor in juxtaposition of image and text
4. literary theory
5. being able to "bomb" the system - or erase it through detonating pictures and words.
6. deflect obscenities through humor or public service announcements
meet with sven, coordinate getting system up and running
meet with cati - help to get system up and running
ALL: locate and ask people to join focus group on 06.02.2004
NEXT MEETING: 05,02.2004 - to discuss pilot discussion for next day
---------- OLD OLD NOTES - not necessarily valid anymore... ---------------
current direction and outline
- user testing of current prototype
- focus group (pilot test) - (6 people, roundtable discussion)
- situated test (over 1 week period)
- trial run of revised design - based on pilot results and situated test) as analog prototype (a message board where people can change and alter text/image)
- pilot test of redesign
- situated test of redesign
- digital prototype of new design based on previous user studies
- TECHNICAL - get current passing glances up and running
- cati has flash & max file (MAC)
- NEED to reconnect application to trinity server
- Define location of test
- test participants: (non-interaction design oriented individuals)
- TENTATIVE DATE 06.02.2004 @ mid-afternoon - 2pm???
1st SITUATED TEST - to commence immediately FEB 9th DURATION: 1 week
- TECHNICAL - should be take care of already for pilot test
- NEED LOCATION - very important - must be safe, yet public and accessible
- NEED define a few participants who we will interview
- need video camera to record interaction over time
- survey available to all
- TENTATIVE DATE 09.02.2004 - 13.02.2004
Monday, January 26, 2004
re: workshop ideas...
i wouldn't expect NCAD and Trinity College to have such a different sense of place - they would be two different subcategories of 'educational institution' - i see more difference in generic places - we should discuss further...
i wouldn't expect NCAD and Trinity College to have such a different sense of place - they would be two different subcategories of 'educational institution' - i see more difference in generic places - we should discuss further...
Tomorrow we will :
discuss Scenarios of interaction for testing during the workshop,
clarify our goals,
define the methodology used: questionnaire/interview, and
sketch the low file prototyping of the board.
look at the software, and see how much we can use it for the workshop. We could have it running and ask impressions of the participants while playing with it.
Material needed for running the software: a mac (cati's mac), the Trinity Server, and maybe a PC.
Material needed for running the software: a mac (cati's mac), the Trinity Server, and maybe a PC.
Workshop ideas:
Goal of the workshop:
get an idea of how the users would use their cell phone to interact with a picture-message board depending on the place. (e.g. TexTales)
Get to know what could make the interface a mediator among users? Would the interface had to confront media messages? To superpose them? To mix them?
(e.g. mixer-subverter for kids)
Media left: e.g. Secret message, provocative message, art work, sounds?
Do they act on the others message?
Example of a place depended media:
- NCAD, users would leave art work, and maybe more provocative message.
- Trinity College, maybe more informative
What do we want the board to do? The board could engage the user in manipulating other’s media. The other could see a personal message, and wanting to give his personal response by the mean of a piece (picture, work, poem), provocative answer (own pictures, own tag).
Goal of the workshop:
(e.g. mixer-subverter for kids)
Media left: e.g. Secret message, provocative message, art work, sounds?
Do they act on the others message?
Example of a place depended media:
- NCAD, users would leave art work, and maybe more provocative message.
- Trinity College, maybe more informative
What do we want the board to do? The board could engage the user in manipulating other’s media. The other could see a personal message, and wanting to give his personal response by the mean of a piece (picture, work, poem), provocative answer (own pictures, own tag).
RE: cati's post:
espace publicitaire means: space to advertise
espace public means: public space
i was just thinking about this image... it is soooo perfect. it is a great example of what we are interested - the transformation of meaning over time with the manipulation and input of a variety of individuals over time. ideally a passing glances participant will come to the project and possibly leave something like the advertiser who put this item on the wall - however, as others come and augment image and text the raw material left will change in meaning - creating an emergent narrative... image and word-play that becomes a playful practice... more on this later...

espace publicitaire means: space to advertise
espace public means: public space
i was just thinking about this image... it is soooo perfect. it is a great example of what we are interested - the transformation of meaning over time with the manipulation and input of a variety of individuals over time. ideally a passing glances participant will come to the project and possibly leave something like the advertiser who put this item on the wall - however, as others come and augment image and text the raw material left will change in meaning - creating an emergent narrative... image and word-play that becomes a playful practice... more on this later...
Friday, January 23, 2004
Protected: meeting with cati 11.26.2003 by kaki (kaki), in research: meetings
project: Texting Glances
End Goal: at least 3 prototypes (tests) before committing to final design specifications
Katherine quoting Csiksemihaly: Objects represent “continuity of self over time”
look at constraints, social, emotional, physical:
1) Texting language
2) System/Network behavior
need to determine 1) audience 2) scope
1.a. survey of notice boards
b. select specific boards for monitoring
make not of:
amt of institutional or designed signage
public input/modification to singage
“secret” or subversive signage
2.a. waiting spaces
b. passing spaces
select waiting spaces and passing spaces to observe
3. Cross reference first two items for patterns
Texting languages
Public Signage
DECEMBER 11, 2003 - 1pm first survey
Protected: meeting with cati 11.26.2003 by kaki (kaki), in research: meetings
project: Texting Glances
End Goal: at least 3 prototypes (tests) before committing to final design specifications
Katherine quoting Csiksemihaly: Objects represent “continuity of self over time”
look at constraints, social, emotional, physical:
1) Texting language
2) System/Network behavior
need to determine 1) audience 2) scope
1.a. survey of notice boards
b. select specific boards for monitoring
make not of:
amt of institutional or designed signage
public input/modification to singage
“secret” or subversive signage
2.a. waiting spaces
b. passing spaces
select waiting spaces and passing spaces to observe
3. Cross reference first two items for patterns
Texting languages
Public Signage
DECEMBER 11, 2003 - 1pm first survey
———– ************* ———-
Texting Glances meeting with Kaki 11.26.03
———– ************* ———-
Kaki references: social meaning of objects (Michael Csiksemihaly).
Cati’s : pictures from ur computer directly accessible from a cell phone as
a command device to navigate directly onto ur computer from ur cell phone
Kaki’s: look at a map to divide the parts of where to look: café shops
veruss trinity. we should look at the issues of a board in a public space
and make a low fi prototype to see the similarites and assumptions.
Take pictures every week. Survey of notice boards in the city
Notice the modifications every week, the kind of sign, and subversive
response (personal, general…)
3- look at secret signage (hearts, etc…) and different kind of support for
vandalism (rock, paper, trees…)
Literature survey of existing public signage projects. Document and observe
the differences between a waiting space (bus stop) and a walking by. Where
peopl act on their space.
–> to monitor passing space
Then, we do cross references between boards and waiting space
Literature survey also on secret signage, code messages
Texting language
Public message board digital
Content of sms in categories (emotional content)
Blog online verus context public message board
Compare this with shared and open system
Then, maybe focus on personal messages (sense of exitment of
unpredictability, a way of living a surprise) Leave something that noone
would understand expect the person concerned. The idea of public space to
display personal and “secrets” messages./ We could have different types of
boardsa and see how they function: political, concerts, and personal…
The 12th: first survey and look at commercial areas veruss parks. O connell
street, tmeple bart, stephen’s green and the liberties (next time).
———– ************* ———-
New ideas by cati like that on the fly
———– ************* ———-
- where could be text from? In front of the board or from anywhere. If in
front of the board, we could imagine a system that would detect the phone
like with blootooth… Infrared…
Then the board could have an application made to browse inside of ur
computer that u could load onto ur phone. (some applications exists already
to do that, maybe people could see the link on the board to download the
Big question: do we need to pass in front of the kiosk to leave some data?
- we could do a first rapid test with the icom at media lab europe. By
having the possibility to send sms to the icom, we could see how people use
it and leave message to a digital public board.
———– ************* ———-
Texting Glances meeting with Kaki 11.26.03
———– ************* ———-
Kaki references: social meaning of objects (Michael Csiksemihaly).
Cati’s : pictures from ur computer directly accessible from a cell phone as
a command device to navigate directly onto ur computer from ur cell phone
Kaki’s: look at a map to divide the parts of where to look: café shops
veruss trinity. we should look at the issues of a board in a public space
and make a low fi prototype to see the similarites and assumptions.
Take pictures every week. Survey of notice boards in the city
Notice the modifications every week, the kind of sign, and subversive
response (personal, general…)
3- look at secret signage (hearts, etc…) and different kind of support for
vandalism (rock, paper, trees…)
Literature survey of existing public signage projects. Document and observe
the differences between a waiting space (bus stop) and a walking by. Where
peopl act on their space.
–> to monitor passing space
Then, we do cross references between boards and waiting space
Literature survey also on secret signage, code messages
Texting language
Public message board digital
Content of sms in categories (emotional content)
Blog online verus context public message board
Compare this with shared and open system
Then, maybe focus on personal messages (sense of exitment of
unpredictability, a way of living a surprise) Leave something that noone
would understand expect the person concerned. The idea of public space to
display personal and “secrets” messages./ We could have different types of
boardsa and see how they function: political, concerts, and personal…
The 12th: first survey and look at commercial areas veruss parks. O connell
street, tmeple bart, stephen’s green and the liberties (next time).
———– ************* ———-
New ideas by cati like that on the fly
———– ************* ———-
- where could be text from? In front of the board or from anywhere. If in
front of the board, we could imagine a system that would detect the phone
like with blootooth… Infrared…
Then the board could have an application made to browse inside of ur
computer that u could load onto ur phone. (some applications exists already
to do that, maybe people could see the link on the board to download the
Big question: do we need to pass in front of the kiosk to leave some data?
- we could do a first rapid test with the icom at media lab europe. By
having the possibility to send sms to the icom, we could see how people use
it and leave message to a digital public board.
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2003 16:51:50 +0000
Subject: Re: meeting notes
From: Cati
To: Katherine Moriwaki
Cc: sven anderson
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 02 Dec 2003 16:58:54.0682 (UTC) FILETIME=[91A9ABA0:01C3B8F5]
On 12/2/03 15:34, “Katherine Moriwaki” wrote:
> At 16:22 02/12/2003 +0000, Cati wrote:
>> ———– ************* ———-
>> New ideas by cati like that on the fly
>> ———– ************* ———-
>> - where could be text from? In front of the board or from anywhere. If in
>> front of the board, we could imagine a system that would detect the phone
>> like with blootooth… Infrared…
>> Then the board could have an application made to browse inside of ur
>> computer that u could load onto ur phone. (some applications exists already
>> to do that, maybe people could see the link on the board to download the
>> soft).
>> Big question: do we need to pass in front of the kiosk to leave some data?
> good questions interesting ideas. personally i like the assertion of
> physical presence as integral to use. - let’s discuss.
Cool! me too We should discuss about the add-on by constraining our
system to a necessary physical presence of the user in the area of the
Public Board… Should be fun…
>> - we could do a first rapid test with the icom at media lab europe. By
>> having the possibility to send sms to the icom, we could see how people use
>> it and leave message to a digital public board.
> the graffiti wall already does this, and i wonder how many people would
> actually use it if installed in media lab europe. it’s such a closed and
> inaccessible environment. we can also set up the graffiti wall here on
> campus somewhere at trinity, and it has a larger and more diverse
> population passing through.
Yeah, makes sense..
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2003 16:51:50 +0000
Subject: Re: meeting notes
From: Cati
To: Katherine Moriwaki
Cc: sven anderson
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 02 Dec 2003 16:58:54.0682 (UTC) FILETIME=[91A9ABA0:01C3B8F5]
On 12/2/03 15:34, “Katherine Moriwaki” wrote:
> At 16:22 02/12/2003 +0000, Cati wrote:
>> ———– ************* ———-
>> New ideas by cati like that on the fly
>> ———– ************* ———-
>> - where could be text from? In front of the board or from anywhere. If in
>> front of the board, we could imagine a system that would detect the phone
>> like with blootooth… Infrared…
>> Then the board could have an application made to browse inside of ur
>> computer that u could load onto ur phone. (some applications exists already
>> to do that, maybe people could see the link on the board to download the
>> soft).
>> Big question: do we need to pass in front of the kiosk to leave some data?
> good questions interesting ideas. personally i like the assertion of
> physical presence as integral to use. - let’s discuss.
Cool! me too We should discuss about the add-on by constraining our
system to a necessary physical presence of the user in the area of the
Public Board… Should be fun…
>> - we could do a first rapid test with the icom at media lab europe. By
>> having the possibility to send sms to the icom, we could see how people use
>> it and leave message to a digital public board.
> the graffiti wall already does this, and i wonder how many people would
> actually use it if installed in media lab europe. it’s such a closed and
> inaccessible environment. we can also set up the graffiti wall here on
> campus somewhere at trinity, and it has a larger and more diverse
> population passing through.
Yeah, makes sense..
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2003 17:01:21 +0000
Subject: Re: more notes
From: Cati
To: Katherine Moriwaki ,
sven anderson
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 02 Dec 2003 17:08:26.0739 (UTC) FILETIME=[E6A2A430:01C3B8F6]
I think that is fantastic !
I am going to Paris, and center of France. I might do some as well.
It could be interesting to look at patterns during our survey, and it works
nicely with my personal interest on the appropriation and perspectives on
the environment by various communities.
Areas such as: City/versus park/ versus café…
We should try to make a list of specific places we would like to look at
after our mini survey on Friday, what do you both think?
On 12/2/03 15:47, “Katherine Moriwaki” wrote:
> what do we think about sven’s suggestions for doing some survey work in
> other cities?
> i will be back in los angeles for two weeks. i can do some there. sven will
> be in three east coast cities.
> might be a cool idea… of course we can only monitor dublin for any lenght
> of time, but for the initial survey - might be cool
> -k
——-sven —————
>hi guys
>thanks for the note katherine…i’ll be back in early-mid jan to begin
>work with this. in the meantime, would it be interesting / helpful for me
>to do some of the same surveying of message spaces / signage etc. in the
>US? i’ll be in boston / new york / philly this next month. or do we feel
>that the project should focus on dublin? god knows i haven’t been to new
>york in so long, they probably already have things like texting glances
>installed everywhere…
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2003 17:01:21 +0000
Subject: Re: more notes
From: Cati
To: Katherine Moriwaki ,
sven anderson
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 02 Dec 2003 17:08:26.0739 (UTC) FILETIME=[E6A2A430:01C3B8F6]
I think that is fantastic !
I am going to Paris, and center of France. I might do some as well.
It could be interesting to look at patterns during our survey, and it works
nicely with my personal interest on the appropriation and perspectives on
the environment by various communities.
Areas such as: City/versus park/ versus café…
We should try to make a list of specific places we would like to look at
after our mini survey on Friday, what do you both think?
On 12/2/03 15:47, “Katherine Moriwaki” wrote:
> what do we think about sven’s suggestions for doing some survey work in
> other cities?
> i will be back in los angeles for two weeks. i can do some there. sven will
> be in three east coast cities.
> might be a cool idea… of course we can only monitor dublin for any lenght
> of time, but for the initial survey - might be cool
> -k
——-sven —————
>hi guys
>thanks for the note katherine…i’ll be back in early-mid jan to begin
>work with this. in the meantime, would it be interesting / helpful for me
>to do some of the same surveying of message spaces / signage etc. in the
>US? i’ll be in boston / new york / philly this next month. or do we feel
>that the project should focus on dublin? god knows i haven’t been to new
>york in so long, they probably already have things like texting glances
>installed everywhere…
Thursday, January 22, 2004
I just love that one
espace publicitaire means: space to advertise
espace public means: public space

espace publicitaire means: space to advertise
espace public means: public space
Some Space & Place references:
- Place, Media and Activity - Matthew Chalmers
- Of Maps and Guidebooks: Designing Geographical Technologies - Barry Brown & Mark Perry
References on paper:
(There are photocopies from these books available)
(There are photocopies from these books available)
- Certeau, Michel de
The practice of everyday life / translated by Steven Rendall.
Publisher Berkeley, Calif. ;London :University of California Press,1988, c1984.
Language Note Translated from the French.
ISBN 0520236998(pbk.) - Goffman, Erving.
The presentation of self in everyday life
Harmondsworth :Penguin,1975
Notes: This edition originally published, 1969. Originally published, London: Mayflower, 1959
ISBN 0140213503, 0140135715
Images from survey02: Venice Beach, CA
December 30, 2003
December 30, 2003
We started at North Venice Boulevard, walked up to Rose and back down again...
Images from the survey can be accessed here
Content uploaded

- Important link "APPEL AU RECOUVREMENT D'ESPACES PUBLICITAIRES" is a french (suburb of Paris) movement that fights for doing graffiti on commercials found on the street.
- Pictures of the 1st signage survey in Dublin
- Working demo of the HEA project to download 6.3MB
- CHI 2004 poster submitted download 504KB
- Reference paper: The gift of the gab?: a design oriented sociology of young people’s use of mobiles. By Alex S. Taylor and Richard Harper download 140KB
- Reference paper: Age-old practices in the ‘New World’: A study of gift-giving between teenage mobile phone users for CHI 02 download 96KB
- Reference paper: Mobile Devices for the Next Generation: Interface Designs for Teenagers download 44KB
Today's meeting:
To do:
Next Meeting Goal: Define: Workshop on Item 2: Place/Space and its effects on the participant
- Created blog
- Workshops:
Need to define direction for first paper - detail results we would like to work towards.Elements:
- Images and how they change, or are changed over time by various members of the public. An example would be the way in which two trash cans had "I DON'T RECALL" stickers plastered onto them, and though one remained untouched, the other had been defaced to read: "I DO RECALL" creating an informal, subersive, hidden dialogue about the California 'recall' election. This was an almost invisible form of public dialogue, which takes place along the fringes of public perception.
- Place: (see references to differences between concept of 'Space' & 'Place') We are also interested in how different places affect the type of information that a person would leave. How can a system use its surrounding environment (its 'place') to encourage or affect participation. We should consider doing a workshop to investigate how people react to demarcating space within different places. Another thing we need to consider here is thre relationship betweenvarious places, and how this can influence the networked aspects of our work
- Aesthetic of the device: At this point in time, we are interested in objects that can better integrate themselves into the environment. (Trash cans are looking mighty fine right now...) Our reasoning behind this, is that the cultural specificty of such artifacts, along with the cognitive dissonance (functional estrangement - A. Dunne) of seeing/experiencing this functionality in this context might be very interesting. Also, large screen displays could be potentially alienating in environments - we want to integrate our messaging and narrative into its context.
- Demo:
If we change the Demo for the 24th, we should focus only on adding the research we are doing, and changing the content, or design, if necessary.
Outstanding issues:
- Need to reconnect the demo to the Server at Trinity (probably Ken)
- Cati to upload demo files in .zip files - Sven said he's using new Max/MSP PC version - so the Max Mac files should be fine.
To do:
- post photos from 1st & 2nd signage survey (Dublin & Venice Beach)
- post previous meeting notes
- upload references (or reference links where applicable)
- Define immediate workshop
- Define schedule - meet once a week? pick a day for working on this.
- Draft paper TIDSE 2004 - February 28, 2004
- OPEN HOUSEMLE - February 24, 2004 - need demo
Next Meeting Goal: Define: Workshop on Item 2: Place/Space and its effects on the participant
- Bring: Literature survey on space/place
- Examine: results from 1st and 2nd survey
- Identify: places to situate workshop
- Plan: location, time, participants, etc.
- Share: any other relevant literature for the group to read