Thursday, January 22, 2004
Today's meeting:
To do:
Next Meeting Goal: Define: Workshop on Item 2: Place/Space and its effects on the participant
- Created blog
- Workshops:
Need to define direction for first paper - detail results we would like to work towards.Elements:
- Images and how they change, or are changed over time by various members of the public. An example would be the way in which two trash cans had "I DON'T RECALL" stickers plastered onto them, and though one remained untouched, the other had been defaced to read: "I DO RECALL" creating an informal, subersive, hidden dialogue about the California 'recall' election. This was an almost invisible form of public dialogue, which takes place along the fringes of public perception.
- Place: (see references to differences between concept of 'Space' & 'Place') We are also interested in how different places affect the type of information that a person would leave. How can a system use its surrounding environment (its 'place') to encourage or affect participation. We should consider doing a workshop to investigate how people react to demarcating space within different places. Another thing we need to consider here is thre relationship betweenvarious places, and how this can influence the networked aspects of our work
- Aesthetic of the device: At this point in time, we are interested in objects that can better integrate themselves into the environment. (Trash cans are looking mighty fine right now...) Our reasoning behind this, is that the cultural specificty of such artifacts, along with the cognitive dissonance (functional estrangement - A. Dunne) of seeing/experiencing this functionality in this context might be very interesting. Also, large screen displays could be potentially alienating in environments - we want to integrate our messaging and narrative into its context.
- Demo:
If we change the Demo for the 24th, we should focus only on adding the research we are doing, and changing the content, or design, if necessary.
Outstanding issues:
- Need to reconnect the demo to the Server at Trinity (probably Ken)
- Cati to upload demo files in .zip files - Sven said he's using new Max/MSP PC version - so the Max Mac files should be fine.
To do:
- post photos from 1st & 2nd signage survey (Dublin & Venice Beach)
- post previous meeting notes
- upload references (or reference links where applicable)
- Define immediate workshop
- Define schedule - meet once a week? pick a day for working on this.
- Draft paper TIDSE 2004 - February 28, 2004
- OPEN HOUSEMLE - February 24, 2004 - need demo
Next Meeting Goal: Define: Workshop on Item 2: Place/Space and its effects on the participant
- Bring: Literature survey on space/place
- Examine: results from 1st and 2nd survey
- Identify: places to situate workshop
- Plan: location, time, participants, etc.
- Share: any other relevant literature for the group to read
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